Wednesday 7 May 2014

How to set up wifi with teracom tdsl bsnl modem

Setting up a wifi through your bsnl Teracom TDSL Modem is so simple here is the video :-) cheers.

How to do it

1.Open your Browser Type

2. username --- admin   Password ---admin.

3. Interface setup > Wireless.

4. Choose access point- Activated

5. Look for SSID and write down your desired Name e.g Bsnl_tomoto

6. then look for Pre-Shared Key set up your password {ASCII characters}

7.See the bottom Wireless MAC Address Filter Deactivate it. 

8. Now hit save.

9. go to top and hit Maintenance tab

10.  click on SysRestart .. Restart with current setting on.

Wait for the modem to reboot .....and cheers here you are WIFI activated at your home.

Still Problem???? email me... or Comment.

less MAC Address Filters MAC Address Filter